It was 'fed' by the whole Mississippi river system- everything had to go down river, from Pittsburgh to the Lousianna territory.
A developed economy is one that has a strong exporting industry that generates income for the country. Some examples of developed economies are the United States, England, Canada, France. Usually they call developed economies of first world.
The most diverse scientific studies demonstrate the positive relation between economic development and standard of living. The more developed a country's economy is, the better the quality of life for its citizens. The opposite is true, the less developed a country's economy, the worse a country's social indicators are.
Answer c supremacy clause
That statement is true,
By examining the sales person's facial expression you could spot which words that come out from their voice are sincere.
If the sincerity is spotted when the salesperson is asking for the problem that you have and the solution that they give, they might genuinely believes that their product might help you.
<span>Conquest of Constantinople.</span>