Pectoralis minor
Pecoralis minor is a thin, triangular muscle lies beneath the pectoralis major muscle. This muscle arises from the third ribs, fourth and fifth ribs.
The pectoralis muscles fans out from the shoulder upper ribs area. This muscle is involved in the coracoid process of scapula. The pectoralis muscle helps in the depression point of the shoulder.
Thus, the correct answer is option (D).
Vaccines are the most efficacious means of minimizing the impact of infectious diseases on the human population. The challenges and importance of making vaccines that will meet FDA approval have never been greater. Genomics has the potential to improve the process of vaccine development substantially. Genome sequencing can help to identify genetic patterns related to the virulence of a disease, as well as genetic factors that contribute to immunity or successful vaccine response. All this information could lead to vaccines with better and more specific targets that elicit more successful protective immune responses. Comparing the genome sequences of viruses that cause infection with those that do not may provide additional insights. In turn, genome manipulation can facilitate derivation of attenuated strains or other vehicles for delivery of the desired antigens to stimulate immune response. On the other end of the spectrum, analysis of host diversity can reveal effective immune responses and possibly the genetic basis for inappropriate response. The recent progress in definition of the innate immune system, necessary for acquired response, should facilitate the definition of this host diversity.
Answer: caring for a person with alzheimer's can affect family in all kinds of ways
Explanation: financially alzheimer's affects a family member by then paying for the treatments for the person with alzheimer's and may have to stop working in order to care for that person . phsically it could be a lot of work to deal with an alzheimer's patient alone without help . Emotionally it could affect the family member because alzheimer's is a disease that only effects older adults destroys the memory , thinking skills , and ability to carry on simple task , so the alzheimer's patient wouldn't even remember the person that is caring for them after a couple of minutes . the family member caring for the alzheimer's patient would probably be devastated . societies today could create donations to get the treatments to provide for the people with the alzheimer's disease .
i hope this helps !! :)