Fractions and decimals can be written as a percent
Equation 2 is a square root function, kind of like half of a sideways parabola, Equation 3 is a parabola, and 4 is a cubic function (s-shaped). This leaves Equation 1, which is a line with a slope of 2 with a y-intercept at 7. So I'd say the answer is 1.
If a flight departs from Pittsburgh at 7:55 a.m. and arrives in San Diego at 9:20 a.m.,
How long is the flight?
9. 20 am - 7. 55 am = 1 hour 25 mins
A = 8
B = 6
C = 4
D = 7
Top = 29
Side = 20
Step-by-step explanation:
To get A on the bottom side row you divide 32 by 4 and get 8.
To get D, on the first side row, subtract A, 8, now it's 21, 21 divided by 3 is 7.
To get B, on the first top row, subtract A and D, now divide by 2 and you get 6.
To get C, on the third side row, subtract B and divide by 2 and you get 4.