It would take 5 days
1. 2.5 times 8 is 20 ounces
2. 2.5 times 16 is 40 ounces
3. 2.5 times 24 is 60 ounces
4. 2.5 times 32 is 80 ounces
5. 2.5 times 40 is 100 ounces
Answer: An increase in the ratio of insulin to glucagon will increase the activity of --
- Acetyl-CoA carboxylase(+)
-Phosphofructokinase PFK2(+)
-Glycogen synthase(+)
- Hormone sensitive lipase (-). The hormone sensitive lipase activity is not increased with increased insulin activity.
Explanation: increased insulin - glucagon ratio is usually high in fed state.Insulin helps the cells absorb glucose, reducing blood sugar and providing the cells with glucose for energy. When blood sugar levels are too low, the pancreas releases glucagon. Glucagon instructs the liver to release stored glucose, which causes blood sugar to rise.
Oxidation half
Ca -----> Ca2+ +2elecyrons
Reduction half
Cl2 + 2electrons ------> 2Cl-
The citric acid cycle is popularly known as the Kreb's cycle. The cycle involve the oxidation of acetyl-CoA to produce energy. The Kreb's cycle is a chemical process that produces produces two carbon dioxide molecules,NADH,FADH2 and one ATP.
When oxygen is depleted, the citric acid cycle stops, apart from oxygen NAD+ and FAD could be added to the system to restore citric acid cycle activity. NAD+ acts as an electron acceptor.
Citric acid cycle/Kreb's cycle is an aerobic process that occurs in the mitochondria and produces thirty-six(36) ATPs.