A W-4 form is a short form you use when you don't have a lot of things to pay for. So when you get out of high school is an example to use it. so one of the entries is your paycheck amount, tax, and how much money you will or will not get
Money owing to bank, Motor Van, Stock of goods
Part 1. Marketing Department
Part 2. Sales Department
The Marketing department is the one which is responsible for creating product awareness among the target market segment customers. The marketing department assesses the best option to approach the customers present in the market segment. The option that will generate greater product awareness and is less costly to the organization is the best option that the market department tries to find to reach customers.
On the other hand, the Sales department is responsible to approach its potential customers to ensure that sales targets are met. They are the ones who will finalise the dealings between the company and the customer to sell the products or services.
Reliability. You want a sitter who respects the babysitting job – and your time enough to show up on time, preparedness. Good sitters come to work with ideas on what to do while they're with your kids, such as games, crafts or other activities, Experience, Ability to take charge