The answer is A) Fat soluble and water soluble.
<span>I imagine the intended correct answer here is B. Chromosomal disease. However, it is worth mentioning that the correct term to use here would be chromosomal disorder. Chromosomal disorders are usually due to either the addition or subtraction of one chromosome.</span>
An economic condition that fits that description is called scarcity where many have to fight for little resources, jobs ext. <span />
abduction - ab-DUCK-shon
antagonistic pairs - an-TAG-an-iss-tic pay-rs
circumduction - sir-come-DUCK-shon
dorsiflexion - dawr-SI-FLECK-shon
eversion - ih-VER-jon
insertion - in-SER-shon
fascia - FASH-ee-uh
fasc-itis - FASH-ee-ahy-tis
fibromyalgia - fahy-broh-mahy-AL-juh
inversion - in-VER-shon
myocardium - my-oh-CAR-dahy-um
pronation - pro-NAY-shun
supination - soup-ih-NAY-shun
tendinitis - ten-din-AY-tuss
visceral muscle - VISS-er-uhl MUSS-uh
Eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have been classically described in young females in Western population.