The flamingos will not be able to eat algae and shrimp, thus the food chain will slowly get unbalanced, and then everything will stop
Glossopteris and Lystrosaurus
Glossopteris is an ancient plant flora and Lystrosaurus is a fossil fauna, and both are found in many of the landmasses on earth. The Glossopteris flora appeared about 300 to 200 million years back and the Lystrosaurus appeared about 250 million years back on earth. They both existed from the time of late Permian to early Triassic age.
Both these fossils played an important role in understanding the continental drift theory or the plate tectonic theory. This evidence enabled geologists to understand how the continents have moved across the large ocean basin from one place to another and at what rate they are drifting currently. It helped in understanding how the super-continent Pangaea had broken into Laurasia and Gondwanaland, and further broken into the present location of the plates.
Net photosynthesis- 3mm/20min- 1.5mm/10min
Cellular respiration- 1mm/15min- 0.66mm/10min
Gross photosynthesis = Net photosynthesis + Cellular respiration = 1.5+0.66 = 2.16 (mm/10min)
Rate of photosynthesis = (gross photosynthesis)6 = 2.16 *6 = 12.96 mm/hr
As we are measuring rate of photosynthesis in hr ,we should multiply gross photosynthesis with 6 (as we measured gross photosynthesis for 10 min).
Yes, they are.
Minerals are the result of rock metamorphic cycles and other volcanic activities that result to these mixture of different minerals. Minerals can also be the cause of some biogeochemical cycles that occurs on the earth's different spheres.