The solubility of gas in water is inversely proportional to the temperature. That means cool waters can hold more gases than hot waters. So when the oceans continue to warm all the green--houses gases present in oceanic waters will be released into to the atmosphere. This would further lead to the heating up of the planet. The global climate would keep changing and the temperature of the planet would increase further. Therefore, when the oceans continue to warm the amount of green-house gases cannot be sequestered by the oceans (as the temperatures are high) and so this would further enhance the greenhouse effect.
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the best way to understand the age of the earth is to estimate the age of matirials in it
Limestone is easily eroded from above and below.
The Florida bedrock is largely made of limestone. Because limestone is a rock that is easily eroded, the landscape of a great part of Florida is classified as karstic.
Karstic landscapes are dotted by sinkholes, underground rivers, caves, and springs. The more acidic the groundwater or rainwater, the faster and more easily the limestone will succumb to erosion.
In this way, underground rivers, streams, runoff, rain, and underground water pooled in caves have all carved out gaps and caverns in the weak limestone bedrock.
The average Kenectic energy