If a person's urine contains unusually high concentrations of urea, which one of the following diets has he or she probably been
eating recently?
A) High carbohydrate, very low protein
B) Very high carbohydrate, no protein, no fat
C) Very very high fat, high carbohydrate, no protein
D) Very high fat, very low protein
E) Very low carbohydrate, very high protein
1 answer:
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The answer should be C.
"Increased Exercise."
The only guaranteed method is abstinence
1. Make it fun.
2. Make physical activity part of your daily routine.
3. Put it on paper.
4. Join forces with friends, neighbors or others.
5. Reward yourself.
6. Be flexible.
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•Gloves/Eye Protection.
•CPR Pocket Mask.
•Roller Gauze.
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•Two Triangular Bandages.
•Sam Splint.
I know from experience!
D) Irritability. When you are stressed, people often take it out on others and snap at them.