The answer to your question is:
1 or more double bonds unsaturated
Usually solid at room temperature saturated
Molecules are tightly packed togheter saturated
Usually liquid at room temperature unsaturated
Most plant fats unsaturated
Most animal fats saturated
Cardiac Muscle, reason its called Cardiac attack when you have that sort of " Heart Attack "
A = 70, B = 10, C=20, D=20, E= 30, F=50.
1. Use less cars travel way less with them if youan use a bike or walk to try stop too much CO2 being produced
2. Use less papaer or recyle trees are being cut down for them wich break down habittats and prevents filtrating CO2
3.RECYLE recylimg is something everyone can do it helps stop polution, rubish being frown in the seas oceans and animals eating them
The question is not complete, but luckily I could sneak the options.
The answer would be stomata allow plants to obtain certain minerals from the ground.