Its probably personal beliefs or peers. because if your religion doesn't allow you to have sex until a certain age or until your married then that can get in the way. but peers pressure friends/people into doing things they aren't ready for
<u>This question is off-topic, but I'm answering it assuming you meant to categorize as maths.</u>
It consists of converting an algebraic expression, usually as a polynomial into two or more factored terms.
We must find the greatest possible common factor and use it to modify the original expression.
The given expression is
It's evident that both terms have a numeric common factor of -9. Let's factor by -9. We must divide each term by -9 to get:
We can even factor further by writing
<span>Poor aerobic capacity can
make it difficult to perform certain activities that involve aerobic threshold.
Examples of these exercises are brisk walking for 30 minutes, running for 20-30 minutes, or playing badminton.</span>
Aerobic capacity refers to
the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work together in synchronicity
in able to supply the body with the enough oxygen it needs to perform muscle
contractions. This process happens through the circulatory system when the
blood flows from the heart to the lungs and into the different parts of the
body. Having a poor aerobic capacity means that the cardiorespiratory and
circulatory systems are not efficiently working together leading to poor
performance in different activities.</span>