Answer: 1,000
The largest asteroid known as Ceres is about 950 - 1000 kilometers in diameter.
electromagnetic radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.
The sedimentary rock limestone which contains carbonate mineral Calcite and the metamorphic rocks which contain carbonate mineral Aragonite are the examples of rocks which react strongly with hydrochloric acid.
Rocks are naturally occurring structures formed on the Earth's crust and are composed of aggregate minerals. Classification of rocks: Igneous rocks - formed by cooling of magma on Earth's crust or seabed (basalts, gabbros, granite, etc), sedimentary rocks - formed over time by the accumulation of sediments from the weathering of existing rocks or fragments of minerals and organisms (mudstone, sandstone, shale, limestone, dolostone, siltstone, etc) and metamorphic rocks - transformed rocks formed from the existing rocks that are subjected to large pressures and temperatures (schists, gneiss, marble, etc).
The carbonate minerals like calcite, dolomite, aragonite, etc react with hydrochloric acid and release carbon dioxide gas bubbles. Calcite (calcium carbonate), which is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks in a varying proportion reacts strongly with hydrochloric acid. So, the sedimentary rock Limestone which mainly contains calcite react strongly with the acid while Dolostone which mainly contains dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate) reacts less vigorously. Another carbonate mineral aragonite, found in metamorphic rocks also reacts strongly with hydrochloric acid.
If it was a double heterozygote, then aabb will be AaAaBbBb.
It will form 4 types of gametes since we have Aa, Bb. It will have aB, AB, ab, Ab.
An individual will form
only 2 type of gametes, Aa, Bb.
I'm guessing the rocket scenario is the first one and the asteroid one is the last. That being said...
1) The fuel in the rocket provides it with the energy it needs to propel itself into space. The rocket throttles at the bottom, allow it to break free from the earth's gravity by pushing against the earth's greater mass.
2) If you are inside of the bus, in a fixed spot not moving, and the bus is moving. That means you are moving in the same direction as the bus. If it stops, you're still moving at the speed that it was once originally moving at. Obviously, since you weigh less than the bus you are going to fly forwards.
3) There is no gravity or friction in space, so items won't slow down no matter what. Even if an object such as a meteor is flung into space with the tiniest bit of force it will keep flying through space at a consistent speed, since there's nothing to slow it down... unless it hits something else.
4) Looking back at the previous answer, the asteroid is flying through space at a consistent speed (which is really fast). Suddenly it comes in close range to the moon which is bigger in size, and thus has a stronger gravitational pull, and pulls the asteroid into it's field.