Barriers to communication can be overcome by:
1. Checking whether it is good time and place to communicate with the person
2. Being clear and using language that the person understands
3. Communicating one thing at a time
4. Respecting a person's desire to not communicate
5. Checking that the person has understood you correctly
Predominantly inhabit rain forest ecosystems
<span>The part of the ear where sound wave compressions and
rarefactions cause the eardrum to vibrate is the middle ear. The 8th
nerve in the inner ear actually converts the mechanical energy to electrical
energy for transmitting to the brain. A membrane called the tympanic membrane
separates the middle ear from the outer ear. Whenever a sound reaches the ear,
it creates a sound wave that creates vibration in the eardrum. The pressure
when high pushes the membrane inwards while low pressure sound waves helps the
eardrum to come outwards. </span>
Oxygen, water, some type of resources to build, and food to eat