<span>Pre-frontal lobotomy is correct i believe
i hope this helps
Many married teenagers drop out of school
abduction - ab-DUCK-shon
antagonistic pairs - an-TAG-an-iss-tic pay-rs
circumduction - sir-come-DUCK-shon
dorsiflexion - dawr-SI-FLECK-shon
eversion - ih-VER-jon
insertion - in-SER-shon
fascia - FASH-ee-uh
fasc-itis - FASH-ee-ahy-tis
fibromyalgia - fahy-broh-mahy-AL-juh
inversion - in-VER-shon
myocardium - my-oh-CAR-dahy-um
pronation - pro-NAY-shun
supination - soup-ih-NAY-shun
tendinitis - ten-din-AY-tuss
visceral muscle - VISS-er-uhl MUSS-uh
false is when everyone is happy calm and there is no disturbance