It is a binary direct bandgap semiconductor commonly used in light-emitting diodes since the 1990s
Abiotic objects
Ex. bed, table, lamp, chair, blanket, etc.
Abiotic means Non-living.
B) land cools off much faster than water (creating a air region of high density above land and lower density above sea)
1. Lysine
2. Aspartic acid
3. Serine
4. Alanine
5. Tryptophan
Amino acids are biomolecules that contain two functional groups and one R side chain. The two functional groups are: carboxyl group and amino group.
The α-amino acids are the amino acids in which the two functional groups and the R side chain are attached to the α-carbon of the amino acid. They are total 22 α-amino acids.
1. A basic amino acid: Lysine is a positively charged, polar basic amino acid with a lysyl side chain.
2. An acidic amino acid: Aspartic acid is a negatively charged, polar acidic amino acid with an acidic carboxymethyl group.
3. A neutral polar amino acid: Serine is a polar and neutral amino acid with a hydroxymethyl group.
4. A non-polar aliphatic amino acid: Alanine is an aliphatic, nonpolar and neutral amino acid with a methyl side chain.
5. An aromatic amino acid: Tryptophan is an aromatic, nonpolar and neutral amino acid with an indole side chain.
Lithium will lose about 2 electrons
Making it a cation