The slope of the graph is what you need. That tells you the speed not the velocity. In order to find the velocity you would also need to know the direction of the motion.
Universal Gravutation Constant:
Force can be also expressed as
The m gets cancelled so
you will be my girl my my girl myyyyy girllll you will be my girl my girl myyyy worldddddd you will be my. smokin ciggarets on teh roof you look so pretty and i love this view we fell inlove in october and thats why i love fall
law of Action and Reaction F = 2250 N
The tractor and the trailer are two bodies that interact, therefore, by the law of Action and Reaction, the force that one applies on the other is equal to the force that the second body (trailer) applies on the first (tractor), but with opposite direction
F = 2250 N
directed from trailer to tractor
The internal heat sources for Jupiter and Saturn derive from primordial heat resulting from the initial gravitational contraction of each planet. Jupiter also generates heat by slow contraction, which liberates substantial gravitational energy. A significant part of Saturn’s heat comes from the release of gravitational energy from helium separating from the lighter hydrogen and sinking to its core. What one considers to be a star is a matter of definition, as we discuss in more detail in the chapter on The Birth of Stars and the Discovery of Planets outside the Solar System. While both Jupiter and Saturn generate much of their energy internally, they are not large enough (by a significant factor) to support nuclear reactions in their interiors, and so are not considered to be stars.