Humans get West Nile from the bite of an infected mosquito. Usually, the West Nile virus causes mild, flu-like symptoms. The virus can cause life-threatening illnesses, such as encephalitis, meningitis, or meningoencephalitis. There is no vaccine available to prevent West Nile virus.
A vacuum breaker is an attachment commonly placed on a bibcock valve or toilet or urinal flush valve, that prevents water from being siphoned backward into the public drinking water system. This prevents contamination should the public drinking water system's pressure drop.
The answer is definitely A.
Find the summary below.
The process of making an informed decision requires making decisions based on facts and not on hearsay, To begin the process, it is vital to clearly specify which decision is to be taken, and then source for important details that can help the process. At this point, several alternatives can be contemplated and the best is chosen based on available evidence. After choosing the best from the list of provided options, you can act on it. The decision should then be evaluated to determine if it was the best course of action.
Either sweating profusely OR taking a salt pill will lead to deydration. Using the two together without an increase in fluids will lead to dehydration faster.