3/5 block mile is also 0.6 block mile
4 1/2 miles is also 4.5 miles
How many 0.6mi blocks do you run to run 4.5 miles?
4.5miles/0.6block mi = 7.5 or 7 1/2 blocks will equal 4.5 or 4 1/2 miles.
Check 7.5 blocks x 0.6 block mi = 4.5 miles
Same as you know one quarter equals $0.25 cent. And how many do you need to make one dollar that equals $1.00 ?
1/ .25 = 4 quarters
I think that’s it f(x)=2x−12
4. c + b/a
Step-by-step explanation:
ax - b = c (Given)
ax = c + b (Add b on both sides)
x = c + b/a = (Divide a on both sides)
204.5 or 204 6/11 yep thats it
Using the laws of logarithms, we get:

The answer is a.