384.2 K
First we convert 27 °C to K:
- 27 °C + 273.16 = 300.16 K
With the absolute temperature we can use <em>Charles' law </em>to solve this problem. This law states that at constant pressure:
Where in this case:
We input the data:
300.16 K * 1600 m³ = T₂ * 1250 m³
And solve for T₂:
T₂ = 384.2 K
A. Increasing the temperature will favor forward reaction and more CaCo3 formed.
B. More CaCo3 will be formed.
C. CaCo3 will decrease and more react ants formed.
D. Less CaCo3 will be formed.
E. Iridium is a catalyst so there is no effect
A. Temperature will increase because it's an endothermic reaction.
B. Adding Cao will favor forward reaction and more CaCo3 formed.
C. Removing methane, more react ants are formed and CaCo3 decreases.
D. Irridi is a catalyst so it has no effect on the CaCo3 but only speeds its rate of reaction.
Answer:- There are 32 valence electrons and it's tetrahedral in shape.
Explanations:- Atomic number of carbon is 6 and it's electron configuration is
. It has 4 electrons in the outer most shell means it has 4 valence electrons.
Atomic number of Br is 35 and it's electron configuration is
. It has 7 electrons in the outer most shell(2 in 4s and 5 in 4p) .
There is one C and four Br in the given compound. So, total number of valence electrons = 4+4(7) = 4+28 = 32
Four Br atoms are bonded to the central carbon atom and also there isn't any lone pair present on carbon. It makes it tetrahedral.
C. Gain in electron(s) resulting in a decrease of oxidation number.
Redox reactions are reactions involving transfer of of electron between two species (reduction specie) and (oxidation species) and change resulting in change in oxidation number.
Reduction in terms of redox reaction is the specie that accepts electron(s) and gets "reduced" since its oxidation state has been reduced.
For example
Cl + e- → Cl⁻
The above reaction is an example of reduction reaction taking place in a redox reaction. We can see that Chlorine oxidation state was changed from (0) to (-1) state.