1. pulling tug of war
2. monkey swinging from vine
3. arm wrestle
Crystal structure
The repeated pattern of similar particles in a material is called crystal. Crystal structure is the largest constituent unit of a solid matter.
The fundamental identity of a crystal structure is a unit cell that is formed by the arrangement of atoms or ions in a particular manner. A crystal is defined as a regular, long-ranged repeated arrangement of unit cells.
Crystal have a sharp melting and boiling point and they give a sharp edge on being cut with a knife.
So lift will be 30.19632 N
We have given area of the wing
We know that density of air
Speed at top surface and speed at bottom surface
According to Bernoulli's principle force is given by
A simple pulley is a wheel with a rope that allows you to pull one end and have it lift whatever is on the other end. A modern, common example of this is a crane, often used in construction.