ancient Egyptians believed that the flood of the Nile was the tears of Isis, mourning the death of her husband Osiris, which is what is now called in Egypt “Wafaa el-Nile” [Loyalty of the Nile],
At the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 (and the Franco-Indian War), the United Kingdom of Great Britain emerged triumphant against France in North America, but ended up heavily indebted. Taxes in England were already very high, so it was decided that American settlers should contribute more. The British Parliament then passed the March 1765 Stamp Act, which placed a direct tax on the colonies that formally began on November 1. The new tax angered American settlers, who argued that their "rights as English" meant that new taxes could not be levied on them because they had no representation in Parliament. At that time, in fact, many settlers rejected the representatives solution by claiming that their "local circumstances" made it impossible.
In a totalitarian government everything belongs to the government your land, your car even the very air you breath belongs to the government. Every decision from citizens daily lives to international affairs are controlled and decided on entirely by the government, of which would consist of a all powerful dictator/king and a close group of his second-in-commands that carried out his orders. Now while this form of government is often most efficient it is also the most susceptible to corruption.
Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who was working on structural functionalism. His focus were different social institutions and the roles they play in the society. According Durkeim the society was an organism in which each portion plays a vital role in keeping the organism stable and healthy.
Durkheim defined collective conscience as the communal beliefs, morals, and attitudes of a society.
A) appeasement
is the correct answer