In agriculture, leaching is the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil, due to rain and irrigation. ... As water from rain, flooding, or other sources seeps into the ground, it can dissolve chemicals and carry them into the underground water supply.
<span>Age structure would help scientists determine if the problem exists with young or old dolphins.
The age structure shows the distribution of the ages of the individuals in a population. This not only shows the type of change taking place in the population (increasing, decreasing or staying the same) but also is able to help us relate problems to ages. By determining the which age group is more stressed, the scientists will be able to narrow down the causes of the stress and create more accurate hypotheses.
Yes as both play a vital role in your body
<span>A light year refers to a very big amount of distance and is a measurement termed as an astronomical unit of measure. When you say that a galaxy is 5,000 light years away we are actually describing the speed of light within a year. One light year is actually equivalent to 9, 500, 000, 000, 000 kilometers. Just imagine how big or how far that galaxy is when you multiply those kilometers by 5,000?</span>