Bíceps- tríceps
Los músculos trabajan para generar movimiento mediante la contracción de células musculares. El bíceps y el tríceps son músculos antagonistas presentes en el brazo. Cuando el brazo se acorta, el bíceps funciona como agonista (es decir, se contrae) y hace que los tendones que tiran de los huesos del antebrazo puedan doblarlo. Durante este movimento, el triceps funciona como antagonista, encontrándose en estado de relajamiento. Por otra parte, durante el estiramiento del brazo, las funciones de estos músculos se invierten, con lo cual el tríceps (agonista) se contrae y el bíceps (antagonista) se relaja.
Four conditions are needed for natural selection to occur: reproduction, heredity, variation in fitness or organisms, variation in individual characters among members of the population. If they are met, natural selection automatically results.
A haploid is a cell with a single set of chromosomes.
-Hot desert biome
Hot Desert is characterized by very little rainfall or a lot of rain in a very short period. The soils are often salty because minerals do not get washed away. Thus, the climate is characterized by a very little precipitation.
-Plant adaptations: There are few plant species. these plants are adapted to resist drought and store water. For example; Spiny cacti that have thick, fleshy stems that conserve water are common. Their roots extend metres away from the plant to absorb water. Other plants have small, thick, waxy leaves that also store water. Many plants have spines or produce chemicals that protect them from being eaten.