You are looking for part-time employment and posted your résumé to an online job site. One day you receive an e-mail from a comp
any whose name you do not recognize. The person claims that the company needs orders processed, and that to get started, you simply need to fill out the paperwork, attached, provide your contact and personal information, and return it. To ensure your safety, the BEST next step is to __________.
<span>To ensure your safety, the best next step is to do some research on the company and contact the company to verify that the position is legitimate before giving out your personal information. In no case should you ever give out your personal information to people you don't know. This email seems suspicious to me, and this could be a hacker sending you an email in order to get hold of your personal stuff, so you should definitely not give them your contact number, or your address, and you should also not start working immediately because this may be a scam.</span>
The summer meal program is important because some children only eat at school. School is the only food they get and they can't go two months without food because they would starve so this is very important.
I can help you when you post the different answers they give you if it's a multiple choice if not then I can work with that. I would really like to have the multiple choice if it's possible. If not its fine.
The answer is Causes ovaries to release extra eggsThe hormone method of birth control will mimic the formulation of estrogen and progesterone in women's body.Through this, they could control and prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation process from happening.