The problems that will receive priority are the physiological needs such as air, food and water.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology which organizes people's needs according to their priorities. It is represented as a pyramid with five steps which include: physiological(at the base), safety, belongingness, esteem and self actualization.
The physiological needs at the base of the pyramid are the first priorities.
Graves´ disease is an autoinmmune disease that is caused when the immune system attacks the cells of the thyroid gland, which leads to an overproduction of the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. This constant attack and destruction on the part of the immune cells causes the thyroid to increase in size, a condition that is commonly known as hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism can become a really serious issue because the excessive production of the hormones of the thyroid gland will increase the metabolic activity of all parts of the body and can, if left untreated, cause such serious conditions as blood clotting problems, type 1 diabetes, among others.
Most of the ways to stop invasive animal species from entering the Great Lakes ecosystem is starting with people themselves. try not to plant anything that would be invasive to the echo system and also try helping out by cleaning out the Great Lakes by picking up litter and so forth