This is an example of a mitigating factor.
In criminal law, a mitigating factor is an extenuating circumstance or condition that might lead the jury or judge to lessen a sentence or take into consideration because it explains in greater detail why a defendant might have committed a crime. The factor or circumstance usually makes it more understandable why the defendant took certain actions or why it is possible to have some sympathy or empathy for the defendant. An example would be if the defendant had been manipulated by someone else, for example, or if the crime was committed under duress of some sort, like being mandated to do something by your superiors at work.
Target area range is a survey of what lies about 12-20 seconds ahead of the vehicle.
Answer: 12-20 seconds
Target area range is the space is the space between your vehicle and the target area. A target area is an area on the roadway where the target is located. A target can be anything such as a car, a traffic signal, a blackhead, etc.
The Department of State advises the President and leads the nation in foreign policy issues. The State Department negotiates treaties and agreements with foreign entities, and represents the United States at the United Nations.
Technology has always been closely linked to the ways in which people have lived. Before the development of civilization, humans lived for many millennia with tools and techniques that allowed them to live successfully in a wide variety of environments. From primitive stone implements to fairly sophisticated and specialized tools, prehistoric humans developed technologies that allowed them to increase their control over the natural world. In return, the tools that they used increasingly changed their way of life.