The design-limiting property that insufficiently large is the elastic modulus (Young modulus)
Plastic usually have a relatively low elastic modulus, this couses the material to deform too much under stress. In the case of a bicycle, a little weight you put on it or little bumps will cause the bicycle to deform too much.
Macronutrients are simply nutrients the body needs in a very high amount e.g Carbohydrate.
MicroNutrients are simply nutrients the body needs but in little amount e.g Minerals.
So for further breakdown:
What are nutrients? Nutrients are essential elements that nourish the body in different capacities. We as humans get most of out nutrients from the food and water we ingest.
Now about Macro Nutrients: From the prefix "Macro" which means large, we can infer that macro nutrients are elements need by the body for the fundamental processes of the body, deficiency in this nutrients are very easy to spot. Examples are: Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats amd Water.
Micro Nutrients: In relation to macro nutrients this are elements that the body needs but are not needed in Large quantities. They mostly work like supporting nutrients. Most chemical activities like reaction that occur in the body are a function of micro nutrients. Defiencies in micrp nutrients may take some time to spot e.g Minerals and Vitamins
In regards to exercise: Macro nutrients are the essential ones here since they are the ones that generate energy. PS: micro nutrients dont generate energy.
In regards to rest: Both the Macro and Micro Nutrients are essentail for the overall well being of the body.
Science is the body of knowledge that explores the physical and natural world. Engineering is the application of knowledge in order to design, build and maintain a product or a process that solves a problem and fulfills a need (i.e. a technology).
Indicators for ineffective system engineering are as follows
1.Requirement trends
2.System definition change backlog trends
3.interface trends
4.Requirement validation trends
5.Requirement verification trends
6.Work product approval trends
7.Review action closure trends
8.Risk exposure trends
9.Risk handling trends
10.Technology maturity trends
11.Technical measurement trends
12.System engineering skills trends
13.Process compliance trends