this might help it helped me have a great day!!
The correlation between thirst and kidney function is the following:
Thirst is the regulator of the state of hydration, necessary to eliminate the osmotic load, it can help preserve kidney function.
The instantaneous perception of osmolarity in the blood allows us to generate the sensation of thirst.
In other words, this sensation is in turn caused by a high concentration of osmolytes (compounds that affect osmosis, or the way it is measured, osmolality or osmolarity) or by hypovolemia.
The receptors that control cellular dehydration are called osmoreceptors and are located in the lateral preoptic area.
Osmoreceptors detect this decrease in cellular water and trigger thirst, as well as the release of Anti-Diuretic Hormone into the bloodstream.
Antidiuretic hormone helps regulate the amount of water in the body by controlling the amount of water excreted by the kidneys.
Therefore, we can conclude that the sensation of thirst appears the sodium concentration is higher than normal, when drinking water, the concentration gradient is reduced, which allows the normal functioning of kidney function.
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Positron Emission Tomography scan of the brain of cocaine addicts showed that the drug affects how the brain use glucose. Cocaine users' brain cannot use glucose efficiently and there are also reduced metabolic activity in other areas of the brain.
The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions.
Hope it helps
Answer and Explanation:
The cell division cycle is responsible for increasing and maintaining cell number and size. This cycle is an essential feature of living organisms. There are four phases of cell division mitotic phase (M phase), growth phase 1 (G1), growth phase 2 (G2), and synthesis phase (S). One phase of the cell cycle ends, and the other starts; this is named a phase transition—a unidirectional alteration in the cell cycle phases. During G1, G2, and S phase cell grows and during the M phase cell divides. There are two models of cell reproduction as the clock model and the domino model. The domino model implies that cell division phases must occur in a distinct order and at a definite time. The domino model recommends that the cell cycle events are independent, while the clock model shows that the effectiveness of mitosis entrance was not persuaded by other actions.