The easiest way to solve this would be to convert 6 4/5 to a decimal. We know that to convert a fraction to a decimal, we must divide the numerator by the denominator.
4 / 5 = 0.8
0.8 + 6 = 6.8
So, 6 4/5 is 6.8 as a decimal.
See how it's easier now that we've converted the mixed number to a decimal?
There could be many numbers between 6.8 and 7. Some examples are:
6.81, 6.82, 6.83, 6.9, etc.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
AA similarity means 2 angles must be similar.
Angle 1: Angle E is the same for both triangles
Angle 2: Angle F and angle G are congruent because they both have right angle markings so they are both 90 degrees.