<u>Answer: </u>Option C Satisfy the inquiry and take the opportunity to introduce another product as well.
The first important thing in customer inquiry is that it has to be attended as soon as possible. It is a way to enhance the business and make the customer buy more when their doubts are clarified.
The other products of the business can be promoted along with the answers to the inquiry. This is the opportunity for the business to directly contact the customer so it has to be made use of. While another product is introduced the customer would be willing to know or buy the other product also.
OA.<u> Following the workplace dress code</u>
By Following the workplace regulations or rules they may have will most likely lead to success in the workplace.
Option B. is incorrect because It's important to work with other people or ask for help.
Option C. That is incorrect because it may seem like you are Anti-Social.
Option D. is incorrect because If you have a certain time to be at work and you show up whenever you want there may be consequences.
Hope this Helps you! <33
Have a fantastic day! :P
A Supervised learning allows you to collect data or produce a data output from the previous experience while an unsupervised learning you do not need to supervise the model.
A. Deciding whether to issue a loan to an applicant based on demographic and financial data (with reference to a database of similar data on prior customers). - Supervised learning
B. In an online bookstore, making recommendations to customers concerning additional items to buy based on the buying patterns in prior transactions. - Unsupervised learning
c. Identifying a network data packet as dangerous (virus, hacker attack) based on comparison to other packets whose threat status is known - Supervised learning
d. Identifying segments of similar customers. - Unsupervised learning
e. Predicting whether a company will go bankrupt based on comparing its financial data to those of similar bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms. - Supervised learning
f. Estimating the repair time required for an aircraft based on a trouble ticket. - supervised learning
g. Automated sorting of mail by zip code scanning. - Supervised learning
H. Printing of custom discount coupons at the conclusion of a grocery store checkout based on what you just bought and what others have bought previously - Unsupervised learning
Answer:Quid pro quo case
Qui pro quo is a Latin word which simply means "something for something", that is an exchange of wants of great values.
Anita asked for sexual favour from her employee, Bert, in exchange for him to retain his position as the manager but his refusal caused him to lose his position as the manager to a common secretary.
Quid pro quo indicates that an something has been traded in return for something of value. Quid pro quo exist in a business organization when the business owner propose to promote an employee if he/she could fulfill their desires. In the case of Anita and Bert, the desire could be seen as 'sexual desires' in other words, sexual harassment by Anita to her employee.
Thiamine deficiency would eventually lead to a mental disoreder named <span>Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This mental deficiency involves nerve damages in both the central and peripheral nervous system. On the other hand, riboflavin defiency would likely cause anemia and dermatitis.</span>