greenhouse effect is the same as global warming
they both mean warming of the earths surface
It’s called Diethyl ether so I think the answer is D
What are the statements? You've given the passage but not the statements
The two correct options are Poison dart frog and Boa constrictor. Both these organisms are pure carnivores which are also known as pure meat eaters in the food web. Carnivores are organisms in the food chain that only meat-eaters and never take any type of vegetation in their diet.
- A Poison dart frog purely survives on meat (meat- eater).
- Long sticky tongues are used to catch their prey such as ants, flies, insects.
- Since they produce high toxin levels, it has very few predators in the wild.
- Boa constrictor is also an organism that eats only meat.
- While they are young they eat prey like rats, squirrels and mice.
- The type of attack used by a boa constrictor is an ambush attack type. It attacks its preys using the surprise factor.
To tract genetic inheritance ( phenotype or genotype) from one generation to another generation, PEDIGREE CHART is used. Pedigree Chart is a diagram shows the occurrence and appearance of a particular genes of an individual organism from its ancestor down to the generations it follows. Relationship in a pedigree is shown as a series of linear graph. Parents are connected to a horizontal lines while vertical lines will lead to the offspring.