Ten-year-old All has a ring-shaped fungal skin infection on his leg. His doctor asks his mother whether anyone else in the house
has a similar infection. His mother tells the doctor no one else has the infection, but their dog has a circular, itchy bald spot and that Ali plays with the dog a lot. The doctor informs Ali and his mother
that he caught the infection from their dog. Which mode of disease transmission most likely spread the infection from the dog to Ali?
A. contaminated food
B. direct contact
C. mosquito
D. aerosol of the dog's body fluid
Ali most likely wasn't eating food that the dog had contaminated, nor was it likely that a mosquito first bit the dog and then Ali. This leaves A and D, and A seems to be more likely.
Protein, the building blocks of proteins are amino acids, different sequences and combinations of these amino acids result in huge numbers of proteins which have a variety of functions.