Lakes that have been acidified cannot support the same variety of life as healthy lakes. As a lake becomes more acidic, crayfish and clam populations are the first to disappear, then various types of fish. Many types of plankton-minute organisms that form the basis of the lake's food chain-are also affected. As fish stocks dwindle, so do populations of loons and other water birds that feed on them. The lakes, however, do not become totally dead. Some life forms actually benefit from the increased acidity. Lake-bottom plants and mosses, for instance, thrive in acid lakes. So do blackfly larvae.
Latent heat- when water evaporates it removes heat
The nutrition therapy goals for the individual with diabetes have evolved and have become more flexible and patient centered. The goals from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2019 include the following: (2)
To promote and support healthful eating patterns, emphasizing a variety of nutrient dense foods in appropriate portion sizes in order to improve overall health and:
Achieve and maintain body weight goals
Attain individualized glycemic, blood pressure, and lipid goals
Delay or prevent complications of diabetes
To address individual nutrition needs based on personal and cultural preferences, health literacy and numeracy, access to healthful food choices, willingness and ability to make behavioral changes, as well as barriers to change
To maintain the pleasure of eating by providing nonjudgmental messages about food choices
To provide an individual with diabetes the practical tools for day-to-day meal planning rather than focusing on individual macronutrients, micronutrients or single foods
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) guidelines have similar goals for people with type 2 diabetes. (3)
Primary active transport directly uses a source of chemical energy (e.g., ATP) to move molecules across a membrane against their gradient.
Study it under a microscope!
Any organisms in the pond water are more than likely very, very small! Microscopic, even;)