Wrong its B Use a different amount of mass in the cart for five different trials, roll the cart down a ramp with the same slope for each trial, and measure how long it takes the cart to roll one meter each time.
The pitch of a sound wave is the perceived frequency of a sound wave.
The quality of sound that makes it discernible to the ear is the pitch.
- Sound wave is a longitudinal wave that is transmitted by series of rarefaction and compression.
- Pitch helps to distinguish between the different sound qualities.
- Pitch is how high or low sound is perceived.
learn more:
Sound wave
I think the answer is c chemical change
True The grid with more slits gives more angle separation increases
True. The grating with 10 slits produces better-defined (narrower) peaks
Such a system can be seen as a diffraction network in this case with different number of lines per unit length, the expression for the constructive interference of a diffraction network is
d sin θ = m λ
where d is the distance between slits or lines, m the order of diffraction and λ the wavelength.
For network with 5 slits
d = 1/5 = 0.2
For the network with 10 slits
d = 1/10 = 0.1
let's calculate the separation (teat) for each one
θ = sin⁻¹ (m λ / d)
for 5 slits
θ₅ = sin⁻¹ (m λ 5)
for 10 slits
θ₁₀ = sin⁻¹ (m λ 10)
we can appreciate that for more slits the angle increases
the intensity of a series of slits is
I = I₀ sin²2 (N d/2) / sin² d/2)
when there are more slits (N) the peaks have greater intensity and are more acute (half width decreases)
let's analyze the claims
True The grid with more slits gives more angle separation increases
True The expression for the intensity of the diffraction peaks the intensity of the peaks increases with the number of slits as well as their spectral width decreases