B/c (red-green) color blindness is found on X-chromosome and males take X-chromosome fron their mother and Y-chromosome from their father.
Global warming is the change in the climate of the earth causing it to heat up whereas the greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring phenomena, constantly occurring due to the atmosphere and sunlight.
The correct answer is option B. shown that the tidal forces needed to move continents would stop Earth’s rotation.
The Wegener’s idea that tidal forces might cause continental drift suggested that the tidal force and the centrifugal forces on the earth was the cause of the movement of the plates.
But, he was unable to propose the mechanism of such movement. Also, if the centrifugal force of the earth would move the plates apart, then the earth below it should remain stationary, but the earth is in continuous rotation, so, this idea was not acceptable, as it is would stop rotation of earth.