Because teenage years are the years of fast growth and development.
A healthy balanced diet is particularly important during teen years. Teenagers need extra nutritive food in order to support their bone growth, hormones, organ development and brain. The two main nutrients for teen years are calcium and
Young and healthy people have big appetites. It's suggested that young people should eat well-balanced meals, with a lot of vegetables, fruits, grains and meat which is full of protein, rather than food that's rich in salt, sugar and fat, even though this type of foods is more attractive to them. Teens should always have breakfast and <em>skip junk food, soft sugary drinks, take away food and eating out.</em>
By eating healthy and exercising regularly, they will lower the risk of obesity and some other conditions such as cardiovascular diseases.
Answer: Nervous System
Trouble thinking, impulsiveness, and addiction are all effects that alcohol has on the nervous system. Alcohol negatively effects your nervous system and makes it function abnormally causing you to be extremely impulsive and also increase addiction needs.
Human blood is composed of two essential elements: the liquid consisting of water, organic matter and minerals in the solid soluble and consists of cellular elements (red cells, white cells and platelets). In case the blood harvested from the patient's vein is placed in a test tube coagulates after a few minutes. Then it is separated into a liquid layer, the upper, which is called serum and a lower layer, which is solid clot. If the tube that was harvested blood of a substance anticoagulant (which prevents clotting) when blood no longer coagulates, but separates everything into two layers: the upper layer liquid consisting of plasma and lower layer, solid, constituted coagulated celuare the elements.
From these two components serum and blood plasma will perform biochemical and serological main medical tests. Of blood cellular components is achieved hematology. Hematology investigating the number, shape, and composition characteristics of cellular elements of the blood.
It will help to develop skills and nutrition make body healtheir to do any works
eating nutrion it will help maintaing fitness and develop skills