Significant figures are numbers after the decimal point, which have usually been rounded. There are four numbers after the decimal point, so there are 4 significant figures.
90% of them are quarters.
Step-by-step explanation:
If you take 50 and multiply it by two, you get 100. But, in order to get the right number, you have to multiply 45 by two as well. 45 x 2 is 90. 90 out of 100 is 90 percent. So 90% is the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
32.5% × ? = 12.48
? =
12.48 ÷ 32.5% =
12.48 ÷ (32.5 ÷ 100) =
(100 × 12.48) ÷ 32.5 =
1,248 ÷ 32.5 =
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