D is the answer, viruses can not be cure by antibiotics. Bacteria can.
grain products are good of protein
by moistening, heating, and purifying air as it proceeds down the airways
The upper respiratory system support good health by moistening, heating, and purifying air as it proceeds down the airways.
Answer: A, Movement in his lower extremities
Explanation: The right ventral root is responsible for sending information regarding motor functions (movement) of the lower extremities. Any injury to the right ventral root will affect transfer of information and thus movement in the Lower extremities.
In the large intestine, or colon, salts and water are absorbed from the liquefied food, leaving a semi-solid residue called feces (stool). ... When the stool enters the rectum, stretching causes the muscles of the lower rectum and anus to relax so that the stool can be eliminated by defecation.