Other factors can affect requirements. 4. No allowance is given in requirement tables for stress, disease, parasites, temperature, feed additives, breed, genetic potential, etc. The nutrient requirements can be broken down into four principal components: Maintenance, Lactation, Growth, and Reproduction.
a. high-carbohydrate, low-fiber, and low-fat providing 300–800 kcal.
the nutrition plan before the game has important effect on the performance of the player. The diet should be high in carbohydrate, low in fiber, and low in fat . Ideally the percentage should consist of 60-70% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein. This is very important because the player should eat high carbohydrate content to store some energy in the form of glycogen.
This is a very important meal because the main energy reserves are made up of meals from the days before, not from the competition day's pre-game meal or big breakfast.
I'm not going to fully write out <span>3-4 paragraphs but I will give you some information to start out with :) I greatly enjoy doing research and writing about the things I have learned.
Arteries are </span>any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body. <span> Each artery is a muscular tube lined by smooth tissue and has three layers. These are the three layers and their purpose.
*The i</span>ntima-T<span>he inner layer lined by a smooth tissue called endothelium
</span>*The media- A<span> layer of muscle that lets arteries handle the high pressures from the heart
*</span>The adventitia-Connective tissue anchoring arteries to nearby tissues
Veins<span> are </span>blood vessels<span> that carry </span>blood<span> toward the </span>heart<span>. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart; exceptions are the </span>pulmonary<span> and </span>umbilical veins<span>, both of which carry oxygenated blood to the heart. In contrast to veins, </span>arteries<span> carry blood away from the heart.
</span>Veins are classified in a number of ways, including superficial vs. deep, pulmonary vs. systemic, and large vs. small.
*Superficial veins are those closer to the surface of the body, and have no corresponding arteries.
</span><span>*Deep veins are deeper in the body and have corresponding arteries.
</span><span>*Perforator veins drain from the superficial to the deep veins. These are usually referred to in the lower limbs and feet.
</span><span>*Communicating veins are veins that directly connect superficial veins to deep veins.
*P</span>ulmonary veins<span> are a set of veins that deliver oxygenated blood from the </span>lungs<span> to the heart.
*</span><span>Systemic veins drain the tissues of the body and deliver deoxygenated blood to the heart.
I hoped this helped and gave you some useful information. Good luck, I hope you do well on your assignment :) ~Sadie
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The large intestine has 3 primary functions: absorbing water and electrolytes, producing and absorbing vitamins, and forming and propelling feces toward the rectum for elimination.
Reading the Food Label the serving size determines how much food that can feed a set amount of people for example Kraft mac and cheese has a serving size of 2-4 people which means that is roughly how many people you can feed on that box .