operational definition
Operational Definition: This is a term used to describe the course of action of the research variables and the study. In this experiment, laugh can be defined operationally as a smile with a sound. Because of this operational definition, the psychologists can replicate the research or the experiment. The operational definition, when used to collect data, consists of a clear, and detailed definition of a measure.
Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent the telephone. He did most of his research about the telephone in his laboratory in Boston, Massachusetts.
It could eliminated wetlands and it could effect people by destroying their homes, sinking the islands.
Answer: Sex ratio
Explanation: The sex ratio or the gender ratio, as some argue, because according to some scientists these two terms are not interchangeable, is the ratio between the number of men and the number of women in the population. This ratio varies and depends on the type of society, i.e. it depends on economic, social, cultural, biological and technological conditions. The ratio of genders in the population, that is, the number of men and women can be affected by migration, higher mortality in some of the gender, as well as the average length of the life of the genders.
its a picture of green girl