adjusting the air mix by rotating the barrel and adjusting the gas with the needle valve to obtain a flame of suitable height and intensity
Mars atmosphere contains mainly carbon iv oxide, but the greenhouse effect as subdued as there is so little CO2 overall.
Venus as a planet contains 96.5% of carbon iv oxide. it doesn't contain water which can trap the CO2 as we have on earth where the oceans are able to trap the CO2 present and subdue the greenhouse effect. This inability to trap CO2 in Venus prevents infrared rays from escaping and with the fact the Venus is closer to the sun than earth and mars, its surface it extremely hot.
Uranium must be purified before it is used as a fuel source
The purer the uranium sample, the more the concentration of uranium in the fuel is.
Whenever uranium is extracted from nature, it contains a lot of impurities. Only a few special nuclear reactors can utilize uranium in this raw state. most of the others have to get uranium to become about 3% pure before they begin using it.
To do this, uranium has to be passed through a series of chemical reactions all with the aim of extracting the other compounds that may be present in the fuel.