The smallest unit of sound that can be distinctly recognized in a language is known as a phoneme. It is a unit of sound as perceived of different languages. An example would be the phoneme /k/ in the English language which is present in cat, skit and kite.
the spread of the Bantu and Bantu-related languages. the spread of iron-smelting and smithing technology. deforestation as charcoal was needed to smelt iron and metal tools made forest clearing easier. the spread of certain foods into new areas such as plantain bananas and yams.
Structuralism, which was founded by Wundt
Edwin Sutherland was a sociologist who spend most of his career developing theories of criminal behaviour. He was the first one to study and publish articles about white collar crime.
His work broadened the field of criminology and led to the study of more than just street crime. He developed the phrase ' White collar crime' in 1939, after studying 15 American Utility companies and 70 major corporations. He was sure that crime wasn't limited to the streets only but the respected and well educated individuals also committed crime.
White collar crime is the crime motivated by financial gain and committees by a person of respectability and high social status, their in no violence in such crimes but they are motivated by greed.
The Mali Empire collapsed in the 1460s CE following civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the neighbouring Songhai Empire, but it did continue to control a small part of the western empire into the 17th century CE