Answer: High-Intensity Interval Training
High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods.
Saying something nice about them. Now you may ask “why” ? .. the reason is kindness is limited to a certain degree, hence, you can KILL someone by being kind and maybe even positively impact the person into being kind themselves :)
the answer is sleep opnea
You should ask for details about what happened to them
Explanation:The first three points on the left side of the Continuum focus on them as being problematic (i.e., Cultural Destructiveness, Cultural Incapacity, Cultural Blindness). The three points on the right side of the Continuum focus on our practice (i.e., Cultural Precompetence, Cultural Competence, Cultural Proficiency).The Cross Model consists of six stages:
Cultural Incapacity; 3. Cultural Blindness; 4. Cultural Pre-Competence; 5. Basic Cultural Competence; and 6.