For this question I would go on YouTube if you can and search The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin. It is a classic but it would help you so much with this report. Also the movie 'Unbroken' will help. If you need help message me because I had to do the same exact report when I was in 6th grade. Also here is a website from some of the soldiers experiences;
तल दिइएका शब्दहरूलाई अर्थ खुल्ने गरी वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर्नुहाेस् :सिर्जनशील,अाविष्कार,सजीव,प्राचीन,अाधुनिक,रेखाचित्र,मनाेभाव,जीवनाेपयाेगी,परम्परा,दुरवस्था
( Use the following words in a sentence that makes sense: creative, invention, animate, ancient, modern, drawing, persuasion, vitality, tradition, misfortune)
उम्म ... तपाईं वाक्यमा ती सबै प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्न
(umm you cant use all those words in a sentence)
energy provision; coal, oil and natural gas
The true statement(s) are: A (Electrons are larger than protons) and B (Atoms are the smallest living organism) Plze mark brainiest:)
They were furious with political reform.