The intended goal of the capital requirement is to protect the interest of those who hold equity in the bank and also the higher the percentage of assets holds as loans, the higher the capital requirement. Therefore, the correct answer is A and B
Capital requirements refer to the exact amount of capital a bank or other depository institutions must have in line with the requirements of its financial regulator.
<h2>Further Explanation
Capital requirements are put in place by the financial regulator to protect the interest of the depositors in case of a market crash, recession or financial crises
Capital requirements are also put in place to make sure that the activities of banks and other financial institutions are dominated by investors. The capital requirements are also to ensure that banks have the required amount of capital to take care of operating loses while depositors can still be able to withdraw.
The advantages of capital requirement include:
It ensures depositors have access to their money.
It provides measures to evaluate and financial institution
It ensures that banks and other depository organizations can meet up with their financial obligations.
Some disadvantages of capital requirements include:
- It negatively affects the banks’ ability to invests
- It reduces access to credit and loans.
Some of the regulatory institutions that set capital requirement include
- Bank for international settlement
- Federal Reserve board
- Federal deposit insurance cooperation
- capital requirements
- percentage of assets
- equity
- loans
- interest