Life Cycle
Mealworms that birds, reptiles, and other animals love aren’t really worms. They are the larvae of darkling beetles. There are over 20,000 different types of darkling beetles and mealworms come from the species Tenebrio molitor.
A darkling beetle experiences complete metamorphosis which means that it has four distinct stages of life. The four stages are egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The amount of time a darkling beetle spends in each stage can vary greatly due to environmental factors like temperature, humidity, food, and water.
The first stage of life is spent as an egg. The white bean-shaped egg is tiny and about the size of a speck of dust. The egg is sticky and is quickly concealed by dirt, dust, and substrate. It will take around one to four weeks for an egg to hatch and the larva to emerge.
The second stage of life lasts about eight to ten weeks and is spent as a brown larva. This is the stage where the insect is a mealworm. When first hatched, it is quite small but will grow to one to one and a half inches long.
Since it has a hard exoskeleton, the worm will need to molt and shed its hard outer shell in order to grow. Molts will occur ten to twenty times during this stage of life. A recently molted worm will be soft and white, but the exoskeleton will quickly harden.
A mealworm spends its time eating and growing in order to save up energy for the next transformation.
During a mealworm’s last molt it will turn into a white alien-like pupa. It has no mouth or anus so does not eat. It does have leg and wing buds, but they do not function. The pupa is quite helpless and the only movement it can do is wiggle. This stage of life will last one to three weeks as the pupa transforms its organs and body into an adult.
The final stage of the insect’s life is as the darkling beetle and lasts one to three months. The beetle will be white with a soft exoskeleton. As the outer shell hardens, it will turn brown and then black. The beetle does have hard wings, but it is unable to fly.
After about one to two weeks of adult life, beetles will begin to mate and reproduce. A few days after mating, female beetles will burrow into soil or substrate and lay eggs. Darkling beetles are prolific breeders and females can lay hundreds of eggs during their adult lives.
The correct answer is option a. responding to the environment.
The sweating is the release of sweat from the sweat glands. The sweating releases the water molecules on the skin surface as a result of increased body temperature due to changes in atmospheric temperature. The water molecule from the skin evaporates causing a decrease in body temperature.
The panting increase in the heat loss by respiration, hence, it is also a respond to the increased atmospheric temperature. So, both the conditions are associated with the temperature increase outside the body, here change in temperature act as stimuli and body react according to change.
1. Genetic variation is different combinations of genes/traits/characteristics within a pollination of organisms.
2. Two sources of genetic variation are mutations and sexual reproduction.
3. Sexual reproduction can cause genetic diversity because the offspring inherits combinations of traits from both parents. This means the offspring will inherit and show a variety of traits which increases genetic variations within the individual.
4. Genetic variation is important because it helps the population of a species survive and thrive in their environment. Because there are multiple variations within the species, if there ever is a change in the environment of that species, there is a higher chance that that species will be able to adapt to its new environment because of the variety of variations within the species.
5. Bacterial resistance is when a species of bacteria are not affected by the effects of medications. Thus, they will not die from medications. This happens when a species of bacteria is exposed to the same medication long enough to which there are variations within that species. As the amount of variations grow, there is a higher chance that there will be one variation of bacteria that will not be affected by medicine. That bacteria will survive and pass on its protective traits which creates bacterial resistance.
Reabsorption of filtered glucose from the lumen in the pct is largely by means of: secondary active cotransport.
Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney associated with removing waste products from the blood. It achieves the function by performing filtration which results in formation of urine. A nephron is divided into two parts namely renal corpuscle and renal tubule. Renal corpuscle is associated with filtration and renal tubule mainly performs reabsorption.
Renal tubules are further divided into Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT), loop of Henle, Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT) and collecting duct. PCT and DCT are mainly linked with reabsorption and secretion respectively. Reabsorption in PCT occurs via cotransport. Here, glucose is reabsorbed along with sodium ions via SGLT2 cotransporter. Specifically, the reabsorption method is termed as sodium-coupled secondary active transport.
Learn more about filtration and rebasorption here -