#2 I think if not than #3
A) Jose B) Roberto
Absolute advantage is the advantage when work is given two individuals or producer and provide the same resources, the person who works faster and better can have the absolute advantage.
For example, if my friend is washing 100 dishes in one hour and on the other hand I am washing some dishes in two hours or we can say I am washing 50 dishes in one hour then my friend has more absolute advantage in dish washing skills than me.
It refer to global warming. The kyoto protocol is an international agreement that called for industrialized nations to reduce green house gases emission significantly. And also paris climate agreement, have also tried to curb global warming crisis. The kyoto protocol developed under United nations framework convention on climate change. ( UNFCCC)
The protocol encourages 192 parties to reduce their green house gases emission, with many developed countries having binding emission reduction targets.
<em>Hope</em><em> </em><em>it</em><em> </em><em>helps</em><em>.</em><em> </em><em>Thank you</em><em>.</em><em> </em>
Explanation:Time-out is a discipline technique in which a child is taken away or isolated from other kids and fun activities and is put in a boring place without any attention from their care givers or anyone in charge ; this occurs after a child has engaged in an unacceptable behaviour and it aims at letting a child see that their behaviour was unacceptable.