This is synaptic pruning- it removes them
The gaps and the portions of neurons between adjacent neurons is called synapse.It role is to moderate synaptic connections among neurons.
As organisms (man and other higher animals)develop from birth to adult,new synaptic connections are formed,and old ones are removed.The process whereby the the axon and dendrite, as part of the synapse, decay and removed by the brain is called synaptic pruning or pruning process.
This process begins at childhood and continue till maturity- at mid occurs during sleep.
it helps to improve learning and memory,because new connections are made to replace the old ones,and therefore smooth transition of the brain from childhood to adulthood
Three models have been used to explain pruning-Axon degeneration,retraction and Axon shedding.
Eating enough protein is important for hair growth because hair follicles are made of mostly protein, and lack of protein in the diet would promote hair loss. Biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin, biotin supplements are often marketed for hair growth.
Hope this helps!!!!!
Cardiac output(CO) in L/min = stroke volume(SV) X Heart rate(HR)
CO= 100 x 75= 7500 ml/min
CO= 7.5 L/min
CARDIAC OUTPUT is the volume of blood, pumped by the heart, that goes through the systemic circulation every minute. It is determined by the stroke volume and heart rate.
STROKE VOLUME is the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles of the heart in each contraction.
HEART RATE is the number of times the heart beats in a minute.