restricted and fixated interest
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is the disorder which makes the individual loose control on the impulsive behavior and to give attention. It leads to restlessness and over activeness thereby creating an abnormal behavior altogether. Much of the symptoms start to become visible during childhood but the symptoms may appear in adulthood also.
You mean you're looking for arguments against such a quota?
I can see 2:
- some people might say that it's too little, and it symbolically shows that women don't have any much power than men
- other people who don't want a quota at all would say that a quota would lead to people getting into the parliament without a qualifiction, just because there needed to be enough of such and such people: it's better to just let people decide
Sarcasm, humor, denial, and possibly even deflecting.
Neuroticism: In psychology, the term neuroticism is defined as one of the personality traits in the theory Big-Five personality traits which include a total of five different dimensions of personality traits.
An individual who is experiencing neuroticism tends to be moody more than the average people and therefore experiences feelings like worry, frustration, anxiety, depressed mood, jealousy, loneliness, etc.
In the question above, the given statement signifies neuroticism.
The answer should be: "Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas"