The "The Good Doctor" american film/television series revolves around the journey of an autistic, but very intelligent doctor named Shaun. He chose to become a surgeon because of these reasons:
1. Steve, his brother, died in front of him. He got anxious that he could not do anything to save his dying brother.
2. Doctor Glassman influenced him by giving him a book about anatomy and physiology of human. This scene is seen in one of the episodes.
3. Steve always complimented him when he was still alive. He gave Shaun a gift toy scalpel or toy knife for surgery.
4. He is inspired to save lives and it may be because of his situation in life.
5. A surgeon is a job that pays a lot of money, and he wanted to buy a television for a long time.
All sexual contact
Skin touching
Exchanged blood or body fluids
AlohaS4 : Answer & Explanation:
In case of a grease fire...
A) Sound the alarm, call the fire department, then use a Class K fire extinguisher.
You could also douse it with flour. ^-^ But, do not EVER douse it in water! Grease fire's are dangerous, water will make it worse! Flour is the best way to go if you do not have a Class K fire extinguisher. ^-^
Hope you found this helpful! Stay safe! :)
~ Aloha